So, for those of you reading along, I'm posting the readings for Day 29, 30 & 31. I'm working on a project that incorporates the story in Genesis of the plagues for all three days. Hopefully will be done tomorrow and will be able to post it all up.
Day 29 Readings: Exodus 8:1-9:35, Matthew 19:13-30, Psalm 24:1-10, Proverbs 6:1-5
Day 30 Readings: Exodus 10:1-12:13, Matthew 20:1-28, Psalm 25:1-15, Proverbs 6:6-11
Day 31 Readings: Exodus 12:14-13:16, Matthew 20:29-21:22, Psalm 25:16-22, Proverbs 6:12-15
Tomorrow (hopefully) :)
Welcome to my 365 day journey beginning October 1, 2011. I'm finally beginning my return to art dabbling and combining this goal with another of reading the Bible cover to cover (not just passages or books). Both goals have often been derailed or taken longer due to motherhood and life. No more! I'll have a picture & post daily. Welcome to the show - we'll see how the experiment unfolds!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Day 28
Okay, had to re-do something for today. I actually recorded myself singing "The Lord's My Shepherd" but couldn't figure out how to get that actual little program to upload here. So, guess it will remain on the computer. Instead, I played around a bit with my new chalk pastel pencils. They're fun and I like having more control over the detail (not that I had a lot of time to add much tonight) and mess!
Day 28 Readings: Exodus 5:22-7:25, Matthew 18:21- 19:12, Psalm 23:1-6, Proverbs 5:22-23
Day 29 Readings: Exodus 8:1-9:35, Matthew 19:13-30, Psalm 24:1-10, Proverbs 6:1-5
Day 28 Readings: Exodus 5:22-7:25, Matthew 18:21- 19:12, Psalm 23:1-6, Proverbs 5:22-23
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Psalm 23 - Green Pastures |
Day 29 Readings: Exodus 8:1-9:35, Matthew 19:13-30, Psalm 24:1-10, Proverbs 6:1-5
Friday, October 28, 2011
Day 27
Well, as I started sketching, what came out on paper was WAY different than the original picture I had in mind. The lady I was drawing didn't seem to fit the scene I was intending to draw. So, I created a new scene around her... So, here's white charcoal on black paper.
Day 27 Readings: Exodus 4:1-5:21, Matthew 18:1-20, Psalm 22:19-31, Proverbs 5:15-21
Day 28 Readings: Exodus 5:22-7:25, Matthew 18:21- 19:12, Psalm 23:1-6, Proverbs 5:22-23 Later!
Day 27 Readings: Exodus 4:1-5:21, Matthew 18:1-20, Psalm 22:19-31, Proverbs 5:15-21
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Psalm 22:26b - Gift of Bread |
Day 28 Readings: Exodus 5:22-7:25, Matthew 18:21- 19:12, Psalm 23:1-6, Proverbs 5:22-23 Later!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Day 26
I was working on mudding the sheet rock most of today. So, my son and I decided to draw on it with the Crayola markers (last time before it's primed). Was a quick draw day today - like most days until this construction is done...
Day 26 Readings: Exodus 2:11-3:22, Matthew 17:10-27, Psalm 22:1-18, Proverbs 5:7-14
Day 27 Readings: Exodus 4:1-5:21, Matthew 18:1-20, Psalm 22:19-31, Proverbs 5:15-21 Tomorrow!
Day 26 Readings: Exodus 2:11-3:22, Matthew 17:10-27, Psalm 22:1-18, Proverbs 5:7-14
Isaac's Artwork - notice the addition of eyes & mouths, that's new! |
Exodus 3:3 - The Burning Bush |
Day 27 Readings: Exodus 4:1-5:21, Matthew 18:1-20, Psalm 22:19-31, Proverbs 5:15-21 Tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Day 25
So, this is not a drawing of a specific verse. Rather, a subject as we're at the end of the story of Joseph on today's readings. As I've been reading and looking things up, it appears there are some who think Imhotep of Egypt may have been Joseph - and others of course, who vehemently object to that theory. I decided to use some of the sculptures of Imhotep (1st Vizier/Prime Minister of Egypt) as a basis for my pencil sketch of Joseph tonight. In all of the sculptures, he has rather large ears... Interesting topic/mystery. How cool would it be though if they are one and the same and there is actually a physical representation of a bible character so we can see what he looked like?
Day 25 Readings: Genesis 50:1- Exodus 2:10, Matthew 16:13-17:9, Psalm 21:1-13, Proverbs 5:1-6
Day 26 Readings: Exodus 2:11-3:22, Matthew 17:10-27, Psalm 22:1-18, Proverbs 5:7-14 Here comes Moses!
Day 25 Readings: Genesis 50:1- Exodus 2:10, Matthew 16:13-17:9, Psalm 21:1-13, Proverbs 5:1-6
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Genesis - Joseph, Vizier of Egypt |
Day 26 Readings: Exodus 2:11-3:22, Matthew 17:10-27, Psalm 22:1-18, Proverbs 5:7-14 Here comes Moses!
Day 24
Little late on the post. Here's a quick charcoal sketch of Jacob's prediction/blessing for the tribe of Naphtali. My son got to draw with charcoal on the left over sheetrock from our remodel while I was doing this. It kept us both busy. :)
Day 24 Reading: Genesis 48:1-49:33, Matthew 15:29-16:12, Psalm 20:1-9, Proverbs 4:20-27
Day 25 Readings: Genesis 50:1- Exodus 2:10, Matthew 16:13-17:9, Psalm 21:1-13, Proverbs 5:1-6 Tomorrow, we enter the reading of a new book!
Day 24 Reading: Genesis 48:1-49:33, Matthew 15:29-16:12, Psalm 20:1-9, Proverbs 4:20-27
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Genesis 49:21 - Naphtali , Doe Set Free |
Day 25 Readings: Genesis 50:1- Exodus 2:10, Matthew 16:13-17:9, Psalm 21:1-13, Proverbs 5:1-6 Tomorrow, we enter the reading of a new book!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Day 23
Okay, so who thinks the Bible doesn't have humor?! I can just picture Jesus' exasperation sometimes... and yes, here is my middle school teacher humor coming forth in this creation. I kept making myself chuckle - I'm easily amused... I especially liked the NLT translation: "Anything you eat passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer. But the words you speak come from the heart - that's what defiles you..."
Day 23 Readings: Genesis 46:1-47:31, Matthew 15:1-28, Psalm 19:1-14, Proverbs 4:14-19
Day 24 Readings: Genesis 48:1-49:33, Matthew 15:29-16:12, Psalm 20:1-9, Proverbs 4:20-27 Tomorrow! :)
Day 23 Readings: Genesis 46:1-47:31, Matthew 15:1-28, Psalm 19:1-14, Proverbs 4:14-19
Matthew 15:17 - To the Sewer |
Day 24 Readings: Genesis 48:1-49:33, Matthew 15:29-16:12, Psalm 20:1-9, Proverbs 4:20-27 Tomorrow! :)
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Day 22
So, made a little more time today and got to experiment with carving on a linoleum block and making block prints! Haven't done that since high school. My 3 year old was able to help a little too (alas, much to his disappointment, NOT with the carving). He's quite proficient at rolling on the ink and making a print - I think I may like his print the best of the five we did. I'll have to go get some more linoleum!
Day 22 Readings: Genesis 44:1-45:28, Matthew 14:13-36, Psalm 18:37-50, Proverbs 4:11-13
Day 23 Readings: Genesis 46:1-47:31, Matthew 15:1-28, Psalm 19:1-14, Proverbs 4:14-19
Day 22 Readings: Genesis 44:1-45:28, Matthew 14:13-36, Psalm 18:37-50, Proverbs 4:11-13
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Matthew 14:15-20 - Loaves & Fish (on a string) |
Day 23 Readings: Genesis 46:1-47:31, Matthew 15:1-28, Psalm 19:1-14, Proverbs 4:14-19
Friday, October 21, 2011
Day 21
Thought I'd try my skill with the mouse in some computer painting... Kind of fun to just veg out and work on contrasts. Interesting how I initially thought a physical wall to do when I read the verse - how many of my walls are nothing physical?
Day 21 Readings: Genesis 42:18-43:34, Matthew 13:47-14:12, Psalm 18:16-36, Proverbs 4:7-10
Day 22 Readings: Genesis 44:1-45:28, Matthew 14:13-36, Psalm 18:37-50, Proverbs 4:11-13 Have a great weekend!
Day 21 Readings: Genesis 42:18-43:34, Matthew 13:47-14:12, Psalm 18:16-36, Proverbs 4:7-10
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Psalm 18:29b - Scaling Any Wall |
Day 22 Readings: Genesis 44:1-45:28, Matthew 14:13-36, Psalm 18:37-50, Proverbs 4:11-13 Have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Day 20
Another rainy day, so my 3 1/2 year old "helped" me build an ancient Egyptian grain silo. His participation ceased after he kept consuming our sugar cube building blocks! After finishing it, those of you who appreciate archaeological correctness will quickly see that this building is NOT correct. I should have built it taller, straight, and narrower and it would have a smooth dome instead of a pyramid-esque top. The ancient silos had narrow stairs to a small window in the top and a small door at the very bottom from which to get the grain. Note: Elmer's glue can dissolve sugar cubes - plan accordingly when constructing! Oh yeah, this is regarding Joseph and the 7 years of plenty in Egypt followed by the 7 years of famine.
Day 20 Readings: Genesis 41:17-42:17, Matthew 13:24-46, Psalm 18:1-15, Proverbs 4:1-6
Day 21 Readings: Genesis 42:18-43:34, Matthew 13:47-14:12, Psalm 18:16-36, Proverbs 4:7-10 More to come tomorrow!
Day 20 Readings: Genesis 41:17-42:17, Matthew 13:24-46, Psalm 18:1-15, Proverbs 4:1-6
Genesis 41:47-57 - Egyptian Silo (in progress and finished) |
Day 21 Readings: Genesis 42:18-43:34, Matthew 13:47-14:12, Psalm 18:16-36, Proverbs 4:7-10 More to come tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Day 19
So tired today...had more grandiose ideas I wanted to attempt, but think it'd be best to just hit the sack. So, here's my quick sketch contribution for today just so I could get some practice in!
Day 19 Readings: Genesis 39:1-41:16, Matthew 12:46-13:23, Psalm 17:1-15, Proverbs 3:33-35
Day 20 Readings: Genesis 41:17-42:17, Matthew 13:24-46, Psalm 18:1-15, Proverbs 4:1-6 Tomorrow! :)
Day 19 Readings: Genesis 39:1-41:16, Matthew 12:46-13:23, Psalm 17:1-15, Proverbs 3:33-35
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Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23 - The Sower |
Day 20 Readings: Genesis 41:17-42:17, Matthew 13:24-46, Psalm 18:1-15, Proverbs 4:1-6 Tomorrow! :)
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Day 18
I've actually never carved a pumpkin before. Right now they are plentiful, cheap, and my family loves roasted pumpkin seeds! So, here's a seasonal rendition of an Old Testament story... maybe we'll start a family tradition of carving a biblical theme on a pumpkin every Halloween season! :)
Day 18 Readings: Genesis 37:1-38:30, Matthew 12:22-45, Psalm 16:1-11, Proverbs 3:27-32
Day 19 Readings: Genesis 39:1-41:16, Matthew 12:46-13:23, Psalm 17:1-15, Proverbs 3:33-35 We'll see what tomorrow brings! :)
Day 18 Readings: Genesis 37:1-38:30, Matthew 12:22-45, Psalm 16:1-11, Proverbs 3:27-32
Genesis 37:9 - Joseph's Dream |
Day 19 Readings: Genesis 39:1-41:16, Matthew 12:46-13:23, Psalm 17:1-15, Proverbs 3:33-35 We'll see what tomorrow brings! :)
Monday, October 17, 2011
Day 17
Okay, so here's my doodle-esque rendition of "God Almighty." Reminds me of sitting in classes...
Day 17 Readings: Genesis 35:1-36:43, Matthew 12:1-21, Psalm 15:1-5, Proverbs 3:21-26
Day 18 Readings: Genesis 37:1-38:30, Matthew 12:22-45, Psalm 16:1-11, Proverbs 3:27-32 If I have the time to do what I'd like, tomorrow's project should be a lot of fun! I think my son will enjoy doing it with me too!
Day 17 Readings: Genesis 35:1-36:43, Matthew 12:1-21, Psalm 15:1-5, Proverbs 3:21-26
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Genesis 35:11 - El Shaddai |
Day 18 Readings: Genesis 37:1-38:30, Matthew 12:22-45, Psalm 16:1-11, Proverbs 3:27-32 If I have the time to do what I'd like, tomorrow's project should be a lot of fun! I think my son will enjoy doing it with me too!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Day 16
Same place as Day 15 post - just did them on same day. The below is a really rough sketch with some slate rocks we found by the river on a nice white rock on shore. Wonder if it'll still show after the winter and spring rains?
Day 16 Readings: Genesis 32:13-34:31, Matthew 11:7-30, Psalm 14:1-7, Proverbs 3:19-20
Day 17 Readings: Genesis 35:1-36:43, Matthew 12:1-21, Psalm 15:1-5, Proverbs 3:21-26 'Til tomorrow!
Day 16 Readings: Genesis 32:13-34:31, Matthew 11:7-30, Psalm 14:1-7, Proverbs 3:19-20
Genesis 33:4 - Esau Welcomes Jacob |
Day 17 Readings: Genesis 35:1-36:43, Matthew 12:1-21, Psalm 15:1-5, Proverbs 3:21-26 'Til tomorrow!
Day 15
Waited to post this until today as we went out for a family outing and I was able to build my project for Day 15. Such fun and a good workout! So, here's a smaller version of Laban and Jacob's pile of stones commemorating their covenant with each other.
Day 15 Readings: Genesis 31:17-32:12, Matthew 10:24-11:6, Psalm 13:1-6, Proverbs 3:16-18
Day 16 Readings: Genesis 32:13-34:31, Matthew 11:7-30, Psalm 14:1-7, Proverbs 3:19-20 Later! :)
Day 15 Readings: Genesis 31:17-32:12, Matthew 10:24-11:6, Psalm 13:1-6, Proverbs 3:16-18
Genesis 31:48 - Galeed "Witness Pile" |
Day 16 Readings: Genesis 32:13-34:31, Matthew 11:7-30, Psalm 14:1-7, Proverbs 3:19-20 Later! :)
Friday, October 14, 2011
Day 14
So, here was my dabbling with oil pastels. Forgot how you blend them at first. May go back and add some more leaf shadows/details. It's late for tonight though. If you want really detailed work (at least me), this may not be the medium. View with eyes half closed from a distance... :)
Day 14 Readings: Genesis 30:1-31:16, Matthew 10:1-23, Psalm 12:1-8, Proverbs 3:13-15
Day 15 Readings: Genesis 31:17-32:12, Matthew 10: 24-11:6, Psalm 13:1-6, Proverbs 3:16-18 Tomorrow!
Day 14 Readings: Genesis 30:1-31:16, Matthew 10:1-23, Psalm 12:1-8, Proverbs 3:13-15
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Genesis 30:14 - Reuben's Mandrakes |
Day 15 Readings: Genesis 31:17-32:12, Matthew 10: 24-11:6, Psalm 13:1-6, Proverbs 3:16-18 Tomorrow!
Day 13
Sorry for the and computer issues. Here's my version of Matthew 9:37-38! I kind of like this one...
Day 13 Readings: Genesis 28:1-29:35, Matthew 9:18-38, Psalm 11:1-7, Proverbs 3:11-12
Day 14 Readings: Genesis 30:1-31:16, Matthew 10:1-23, Psalm 12:1-8, Proverbs 3:13-15 Next post is actually TODAY!
Day 13 Readings: Genesis 28:1-29:35, Matthew 9:18-38, Psalm 11:1-7, Proverbs 3:11-12
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Matthew 9:37-38 - The Harvest |
Day 14 Readings: Genesis 30:1-31:16, Matthew 10:1-23, Psalm 12:1-8, Proverbs 3:13-15 Next post is actually TODAY!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Day 12 was between a tax collector and a wine skin today. I opted for the latter as my son was fighting bedtime again. Interesting doing a little research on the customs and paraphernalia of the day when putting my ideas together. Below is the old wine skin spilling out the new wine.
Day 12 Readings: Genesis 26:17-27:46, Matthew 9:1-17, Psalm 10:16-18, Proverbs 3:9-10
Day 13 Readings: Genesis 28:1-29:35, Matthew 9:18-38, Psalm 11:1-7, Proverbs 3:11-12 Tomorrow my friends!
Day 12 Readings: Genesis 26:17-27:46, Matthew 9:1-17, Psalm 10:16-18, Proverbs 3:9-10
Matthew 9:17 - Old Wineskin |
Day 13 Readings: Genesis 28:1-29:35, Matthew 9:18-38, Psalm 11:1-7, Proverbs 3:11-12 Tomorrow my friends!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Day 11
All right, I think I need to work on hands. Here's my attempt to draw Jacob's pudgy little newborn hand as it was grasping Esau's heel. I am not confident enough yet to post my hideous looking attempts at a baby's foot however! So, all we get here is Jacob's hand... :)
Day 11 Readings: Genesis 24:52-26:16, Matthew 8:18-34, Psalm 10:1-15, Proverbs 3:7-8
Day 12 Readings: Genesis 26:17-27:46, Matthew 9:1-17, Psalm 10:16-18, Proverbs 3:9-10 See you tomorrow!
Day 11 Readings: Genesis 24:52-26:16, Matthew 8:18-34, Psalm 10:1-15, Proverbs 3:7-8
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Genesis 25:26 - Jacob's Grasping Hand |
Day 12 Readings: Genesis 26:17-27:46, Matthew 9:1-17, Psalm 10:16-18, Proverbs 3:9-10 See you tomorrow!
Day 10
Wanted to add Rebekah, but just had time for the camel on this one. Was busy covering up the immoral woman I drew on the wall yesterday with sheet rock!
Day 11 Readings: Genesis 24:52-26:16, Matthew 8:18-34, Psalm 10:1-15, Proverbs 3:7-8 'Til tomorrow!
Day 10 Readings: Genesis 23:1-24:51, Matthew 8:1-17, Psalm 9:13-20, Proverbs 3:1-6
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Genesis 24 - Camel at Rebekah's Well |
Day 11 Readings: Genesis 24:52-26:16, Matthew 8:18-34, Psalm 10:1-15, Proverbs 3:7-8 'Til tomorrow!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Day 9
So, we have a massive demo & remodel going on in the house. I thought I'd take advantage of it and use some cheap chalk pastels to do a drawing on our 100+ year old cedar interior walls that the sheet rock is going over. Won't someone remodeling 100 years from now get a shock when they peel off the sheet rock and see this! It also became a fun family art project tonight as my husband and son joined the fun of drawing on walls without getting into trouble! ;) Maybe I'll do something on the sheet rock before it gets primed...
Day 9 Readings: Genesis 20:1-22:24, Matthew 7:15-29, Psalm 9:1-12, Proverbs 2:16-22
Day 10 Readings: Genesis 23:1-24:51, Matthew 8:1-17, Psalm 9:13-20, Proverbs 3:1-6 Tomorrow!
Day 9 Readings: Genesis 20:1-22:24, Matthew 7:15-29, Psalm 9:1-12, Proverbs 2:16-22
Proverbs 2:16-19 - Hootchie Kootchie Woman (aka The Immoral Woman) |
My son's ladder drawing... |
My husband's contribution of "Some world - not quite ours..." |
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Day 8
Friday, October 7, 2011
Day 7
I have another idea I'm working on, but it'll take me a little longer to complete. So, here's my stop-gap for the day... This is the eye in the back of my head I think I've convinced my preschooler I have!
Day 7 Reading: Genesis 16:1-18:15, Matthew 6:1-24, Psalm 7:1-17, Proverbs 2:1-5
Day 8 Readings: Genesis 18:16-19:38, Matthew 6:25-7:14, Psalm 8:1-9, Proverbs 2:6-15 Until tomorrow!
Day 7 Reading: Genesis 16:1-18:15, Matthew 6:1-24, Psalm 7:1-17, Proverbs 2:1-5
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Matthew 6:22 - Your Eye Is A Lamp |
Day 8 Readings: Genesis 18:16-19:38, Matthew 6:25-7:14, Psalm 8:1-9, Proverbs 2:6-15 Until tomorrow!
Day 6
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Day 5
Color pastels are still as messy as I remember. Kind of fun, but messy... I need to find a way to do some art work earlier in the day and not just right before I'm bushed and ready for bed. I haven't had the time to experiment with some of the drawings/ideas I'd really like to do. Guess working on timing is part of this - at least I'm getting some time every day so far!
Day 5 Readings: Genesis 11:1-13:4, Matthew 5:1-26, Psalm 5:1-12, Proverbs 1:24-28
Day 6 Readings: Genesis 13:5-15:21, Matthew 5:27-48, Psalm 6:1-10, Proverbs 1:29-33 Until tomorrow...
Day 5 Readings: Genesis 11:1-13:4, Matthew 5:1-26, Psalm 5:1-12, Proverbs 1:24-28
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Matthew 5:14 - City on a Hilltop |
Day 6 Readings: Genesis 13:5-15:21, Matthew 5:27-48, Psalm 6:1-10, Proverbs 1:29-33 Until tomorrow...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Day 4
All right, charcoal is messy, but kind of fun to practice my shading. I had a few other ideas, but my human figures are horrific and I don't quite have the confidence to post those for public viewing yet. So, here's my cop-out for the day:
Reading Day 4: Genesis 8:1-10:32, Matthew 4:12-25, Psalm 4:1-8, Proverbs 1:20-23
Day 5 Reading: Genesis 11:1-13:4, Matthew 5:1-26, Psalm 5:1-12, Proverbs 1:24-28 'Til tomorrow! :)
Reading Day 4: Genesis 8:1-10:32, Matthew 4:12-25, Psalm 4:1-8, Proverbs 1:20-23
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Noah's Vineyard - Genesis 9:20 |
Day 5 Reading: Genesis 11:1-13:4, Matthew 5:1-26, Psalm 5:1-12, Proverbs 1:24-28 'Til tomorrow! :)
Monday, October 3, 2011
Day 3
I learned today it is easier for me to do a quick sketch of a bird rather than anything human. I think I need to review my anatomical proportions and perspective. So, here was my sketch after my son went to bed...yes, it was one of those days already! ;) I opted for something other than Noah's ark as it's been done a LOT - especially for kids. I've seen many versions of that story and didn't want to make a coloring book page and didn't have time for a major accurate mural. It was relaxing drawing my little sparrow...
Day 3 Readings: Genesis 5:1-7:24, Matthew 3:7-4:11, Psalm 3:1-8, Proverbs 1:10-19
Day 4 Readings: Genesis 8:1-10:32, Matthew 4:12-25, Psalm 4:1-8, Proverbs 1:20-23 Be back tomorrow!
Day 3 Readings: Genesis 5:1-7:24, Matthew 3:7-4:11, Psalm 3:1-8, Proverbs 1:10-19
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Wisdom of the Bird |
Day 4 Readings: Genesis 8:1-10:32, Matthew 4:12-25, Psalm 4:1-8, Proverbs 1:20-23 Be back tomorrow!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Day 2
Whew! Day 2! Readings were: Genesis 3:1-4:26, Matthew 2:13-3:6, Psalm 2:1-12, Proverbs 1:7-9.
I didn't have time to get some modeling clay today so my son and I had a Playdough playdate. I've included a picture of the beginning of his "chair." My husband thought my people look a bit like aliens - but hey, it's the colors I had handy. This is for fun and experimentation and I had fun! Think I might like to take a class on this sometime...
Day 3 reading for tomorrow: Genesis 5:1-7:24, Matthew 3:7-4:11, Psalm 3:1-8, Proverbs 1:10-19
I didn't have time to get some modeling clay today so my son and I had a Playdough playdate. I've included a picture of the beginning of his "chair." My husband thought my people look a bit like aliens - but hey, it's the colors I had handy. This is for fun and experimentation and I had fun! Think I might like to take a class on this sometime...
Proverbs 1:8-9 "Father and Child" |
My son's "Chair" :) |
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Day 1
Welcome to Day 1! The first day is probably the most intimidating one to post. I've had a couple of people ask what the daily readings are. I chose to use the One Year Bible (NLT). The Bible is organized with a reading from the OT, NT, Psalms & Proverbs each day. That gives me four options for inspiration (I may need that as the project goes on). I'll post the daily readings and then my art work. At the end of the post, I'll list the next day's readings for those who want to read along.
Day1 Readings: Genesis 1:1 - 2:25, Matthew 1:1 - 2:12, Psalm 1:1-6, Proverbs 1:1-6
Day Two Readings: Genesis 3:1-4:26, Matthew 2:13-3:6, Psalm 2:1-12, Proverbs 1:7-9 See you tomorrow!
Day1 Readings: Genesis 1:1 - 2:25, Matthew 1:1 - 2:12, Psalm 1:1-6, Proverbs 1:1-6
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Disorder to Order |
Two for one - had a little extra time today...
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They Had No Shame |
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